Sunday, August 23, 2020

Phoenix Donut Run

 It's an odd time, to be sure. Here we are on August 23 and the Indy 500 will run today - quite a ways past Memorial Day! It's another special day for Corvette with a Torch Red  C8 leading the cars around the Brickyard, joining the long list of Corvette Indy Pace Cars that began in 1978. So how do we kick off a day like this?

If you read the current issue of Road & Track, you may have seen the article in which the author made a 650 mile road trip around Washington to find the best maple bars. We weren't quite that ambitious, but we took on a small scale challenge for two of Phoenix's top donut shops: Bosa Donuts (various locations) and Lamar's Donuts (Bell and the 17).

Lucy and I left home at 7:00 with a plan to meet Chris and Debby at the Union Hills Bosa, get some maple bars, and drive a couple of miles from there to Lamar's for some of their bars and the taste test and judging.

First up: Lamar's bars:

Lucy: Very strong maple flavor, dense dough

Debby: Just delicious!

German: Dense dough, very sweet and gooey - good with black coffee.

Chris: Chocolate drizzle on the maple topping is a great touch, good beat and you can dance to it! Score 94.

Then, on to the Bosa bars:

Lucy: Maple topping isn't as strong as Lamar's, lighter fluffier.

Debby: Not nearly as much maple flavor, not as strong as Lamar's.

German: Light, yeasty dough - crisp maple topping doesn't melt. Much lighter overall.

Chris: Lighter, relatively tasteless - score 85

And the vote......

Chris and Debby - Lamar's
German - Bosa
Lucy (Goldilocks) - wants something in the middle, abstains from voting.

So Lamar's is the champion for now! Chris compiled a list of the top 10 donut shops in town based on Yelp reviews and split them into two separate outings. Once the weather cools down, we'll do a larger scale version of this with more driving and more cars!

 Great Drive yesterday through Oak Creek Canyon. Take a look at the video Chris & Debby